The once cumbersome process of brewing hot espresso for a cold coffee beverage is no more.
Improve your speed of service with a simplified system, scale your passion for coffee with extraordinary quality, and let us handle the rest with seamless implementation into your business.
This package deal includes everything you need to replace espresso with a crafted cold brew concentrate.
- BREW: Using the ACE Brewer, efficiently brew one gallon of concentrate in as little as one hour directly into the provided beverage bag (BiB)
- BAG: Easily remove the beverage bag (BiB) from the ACE Brewer and transfer to a refrigeration solution.
- DISPENSE: Attach the beverage bag (BiB) to a Brew Bomb Quick Dose Dispenser and dispense precisely-dosed, high quality concentrate into any cold coffee beverage instantaneously.
Using this system, design a crafted product with extraordinary quality and mind blowing speed of service. This solution is perfect for coffee shops, bakeries, food trucks, kiosks, sports venues, and anything else you can think of!
Grab this turn-key setup which includes: an ACE Brewer, BiB Pouch Direct Brew Conversion Kit for ACE Brewer (lid with funnel), and a Quick Dose Dispenser with Full Beverage BiB Kit, and (5) BiB Pouches. SAVE $329.00!
NOTE: Adding a Pressure Kit - Ace Brewer is recommended.
- When using the ACE Brewer, improper flow rate can negatively impact the quality of your brew. A Pressure Kit optimizes the ACE's performance by consistently delivering the exact water pressure required for the perfect brew.